This package is supported for Linux, but should also work on Mac OS X and Windows. It has been tested with Github Actions for R 3.5, 3.6 and 4.0 on the following systems Ubuntu, Windows Server and Mac OS X.
dyngen is available on CRAN, so you can install it with the following command.
If you would like to install the development version of dyngen from GitHub instead, run the following command. Use at your own risk!
remotes::install_github("dynverse/dyngen@devel", dependencies = TRUE)
It’s recommended to let dyngen know where it can cache downloaded files and how many cores the host system has. If you don’t perform these steps, running dyngen simulations will take a lot longer than it needs to.
To do so, start editing your Rprofile by running the following commands:
Inside your Rprofile, add the following lines:
options(Ncpus = 8L) # change this to the number of cores in your system
options(dyngen_download_cache_dir = R_user_dir("dyngen", "data"))
After saving and closing this file, restart your R sesstion.